

riffapi.hobune.stream is a custom server for Riff Racer which allows you to play the game after the official server shutdown in December 2022. This server also hosts historic data for the game, so you can see the scores and tracks from before the server shutdown.

Video tutorial


To use a custom server, you'll need to patch the Parse API DLL. To do so, browse over to your game directory (eg C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Riff Racer\), locate the ParseOctane.dll file, patch it with this tool:

Patch tool
Pick the server:
Choose ParseOctane.dll:

After patching, you should get a new DLL file. Replace the old DLL file with new one and you should be good to go! You can also use sed for patching instead of this website, see the GitHub page below for instructions on how to do it.

RiffApi Local

In addition to this online server, I've also made a simple offline implementation available on GitHub. It can be used if this server ever goes down or you just wish to run your own server locally for whatever reason.

hobune.stream [at] gmail.com